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To all Members & Racers,
Now that we are past the holidays, it’s time for our annual SBCC 2024 Race Awards party. Back by popular demand, Regatta has again reserved Vern’s Restaurant and Bar in West Babylon (the old Gull) for our party. The new owner has spruced up the place and updated the menu. They did a nice job, I’m looking forward to the trying the new menu (note: their wings appetizer is still offered).
SBCC 2024 Regatta Race Awards Party
Verns Restaurant
301 Bergen Avenue
West Babylon, NY
When: Thursday, February 6th at 7:00 PM
Its a great way to catch up with your fellow racers, see the slide show courtesy of Rich LaBella, cheer for the 2024 winners and start talking about the upcoming season over a few beers.
Please contact me if you have any questions. Stay warm and I hope to see you in two weeks.
Charlie Margeson
SBCC Regatta Captain
(631) 235-2965
PS- All Cruisers are welcome. Come on down and see what the SBCC race program is about. Just sayin’!